Sunday, April 25, 2010

One month later...

Silly youtube. I have been having trouble uploading my file for the past couple of days. It's a shame really, I have 3 sweet videos to post. What I can post are pictures. I have taken so many pictures of lil' bit that I couldn't possibly share them all.

Yesterday was mine and Dave's 6 year wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to J Betki's in Raleigh. Mama Ree and Dpop (Dave's parents) watched Samantha for us. I was relieved to know she took a bottle without an issue. I also included a picture of me below from Friday. I can't believe how much weight I have lost since her birthday. I gained 45 pounds and now, I have 11 left to loose. Woohoo!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4 weeks!

Samantha is four weeks old today! Her cord stump has fallen off so we can finally give her a good bath. For cute  baby sweetness see the above video.

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's real...

It's finally happened... Last night, at 2:30AM, my sweet girl had her arms outstretched on my chest. She had just finished her late night snack and was making her little noises that proved she was content. I sat there in my armchair and stared at her in the dark. I knew right then and there that I loved this child with all of my heart. I didn't want to put her back in the crib so, I didn't. I sat there for as long as my arms could handle it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

3 weeks!

It has been a lovely week. After the pollen cleared out, I spent the majority of my time outdoors with the girlie. She will be 3 weeks old on Wednesday. I can't even imagine being without her now. She is such a joy! It is still tough for me to be a temporary "at home mom" but it is getting easier with each day. Here are a few pics we have taken recently. Some of the highlights of this week include...

1)  A facial, trip to Red Robin and Cary town center with Mama Ree and Samantha
2) Breakfast with Yaya, Nana, Samantha and Mama Ree
3) Lazy days at Yaya's house 
4) Dinner at my friend Julie's
5) funny movies and videos with Dave

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day to day

Being a new mother is completely different from anything I have ever known. On one end I am enamored by her on the other end, I am exhausted by her. She is so tiny and dependent on me. In a way, it's not much different than when I was pregnant. The main difference is that I can put the baby down from time to time. It's been tough for me to transition from a workaholic to a mom. It's getting easier with each day and once this pollen clears, I can't wait to make use of the many trails in this area. I am amazed at how much she changes from day to day. Just look how wide her eyes are here!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My birth story

4 days after my last post I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. I haven't had time for anything else but her for the past 2 weeks. I think I am ready to share my experience with you all.  

I started feeling some contractions at around 4:30PM on 3/23. I was working from home thankfully so I just signed off of my computer and called up Dave, hoping he was on his way home soon. For the next 3 1/2 hours labored comfortably at home with Dave timing the contractions. I took a slow walk to help speed up the process. I remember bracing myself against the trashcan because I couldn't walk through a particular tough contraction. We alerted our parents and made our way to the hospital at around 9. The contractions were about 4-6 minutes apart and lasting around 45 seconds to a full minute. We were calm and collected on the ride to the hospital. I knew this was the real thing and was ready. 
We arrived at Rex and met my mom there. I was brought into a labor room and had my vitals checked. I was only at 3-4 centimeters so I couldn't be admitted yet. Once Dave's parents arrived, Me, Dave, my mom and his parents wandered around through the hospital to increase the contractions and dilation. I munched on ice chips to keep hydrated. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together. I must say that once we arrived in the hospital, I had no sense of time. I never knew how long I waited between contractions, nurse visits or anything. I was focused on the labor and eventual birth. Once I was dilated enough to be admitted, things began to pick up. A contraction is a deep primal and painful feeling that starts in the abdomen and stretches out out as a wave across the body. It takes your breath away and gives you just enough of a break afterwards to prepare for the next one. I started to sweat, A LOT. Everyone else was freezing. I was determined to stay out of the bed for as long as I could. It was extremely uncomfortable to lay down. I sat in the rocking chair for a good amount of time, riding the contractions as they got more difficult. I chose to have a natural birth and I was beginning to doubt I could handle it. I shoved those thoughts back and mediated with my eyes closed for most of the night. The doctor had to break my water at 8 centimeters. Not long after that, the transition period began. I could feel her moving downward and getting into position. The contractions were deep and very painful at this point. I cried out with each one and braced for the next. I began to feel a undeniable need to push and I couldn't control it. I got onto the bed and got ready for the finale. 
It felt good to have a goal and pushing was my goal. My awesome nurse Helen and my three amigos Dave, Mom and my mother-in-law all helped me count. With each contraction, I pushed with everything I had. My arms, neck, back and legs all ached and throbbed with pain. It was the most intense pain and euphoria I have ever felt in my life. It was all consuming and ancient. I felt one with her. I was taking this amazing journey into a new life with my daughter. With one final heave, Samantha Marie arrived at 10AM and was immediately placed on my chest. Her eyes were wide open and for a few moments, we took each other in for the first time. She didn't cry, she looked wild and alert. The doctor gave me the scissors and I cut her cord myself. They whisked her off to be weighed and checked but thankfully, it was right by my bed. She was a hefty 9 lbs 7 ounces and 22 inches long. Her blood sugar was low so they gave her a bottle immediately and she guzzled it down like a pro. As I laid there on the bed, I felt relieved that it was over. Life was good and everyone involved was happy to be there. I am thrilled to bring my daughter into this world and am looking forward to sharing our life together.