Friday, January 29, 2010

Profile at 31 weeks 2 days

Time for a profile pic! Today I am 31 weeks and 2 days. I can't imagine getting any bigger than I already am! Ha Ha.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's like being a movie star

People smile at me every day. Children pull on their parents legs and whisper. Grocery baggers insist on carrying my purchases to the car. Pregnancy in some way or shape, makes you feel like a movie star. I couldn't imagine living a few decades ago when you wore huge mumus and hid your belly from the public. I was reading about Lucille Ball's pregnancy and how she couldn't even mention the word pregnant on "I love Lucy." It all used to be so hush hush. I just don't see why. Pregnancy is such a beautiful event in your life. I find myself looking at smiling soon- to-be-mother photos and their round bellies.

Last night me and Dave learned some baby basics at our ongoing Lamaze class. We swaddled, rocked, fed, diapered and bathed the little dolls. Dave looked so strong and confident standing there with the little stiff facsimile in his arms. We may be new at this but we are going to be prepared!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

30 weeks!

10 weeks left! It seems like only yesterday I was rechecking the little plus sign on my pregnancy test. Me and Dave started our Lamaze classes a few weeks ago. I'm looking forward to tonight's class because we get to tour the birth center at Rex. I want to know what I will be working with when the time comes.

The third trimester has certainly slowed me down. I am doing my absolute best to keep from waddling. ha ha. My ankles have started to swell and heartburn has been hitting me on a daily basis. Doesn't pregnancy sound fun? Actually, it IS fun. I really haven't had too many complaints. It's all worth it when I can sit down, prop my feet up and feel the ever increasing movements of my little girl.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I can't stop looking at my ultrasound photo

I keep going back to the pictures of the last ultrasound. I have spent so much time starting at the little face that has formed. Even in the ultrasound, she looks so happy and content. I can't wait to hold her and take in that sweet baby smell. In 12 weeks, give or take a few, we will be meeting eye to eye for the first time. I hope I will know what to do, I hope I can handle the stress and, I hope you smell sweet. :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Third trimester

Happy New Year everyone! The past few days have been baby busy. On Saturday, Mom and Dad Ward helped Dave paint the Nursery a lovely green. Yesterday, Mom and Dad Parisher helped Dave put together the crib and dresser. Today, I went to the doctors to take a few neccesary third trimester tests. I had to drink a sweet syrupy sugar drink for my glucose test, I needed an ultrasound to check on my positioning and I needed a RH negative shot. Whew! The glucose test is to check if I have gestational diabetes which is rountine at 28 weeks. The ultrasound went very well. She is one happy bouncing baby girl in there! The technician did not forsee any issues with the baby or it's positioning. I was amazed at how detailed the pictures are. The technician was able to see some hair on her head too. The shot was not pleasant but they never are. All in all, it's been a busy but lovely week.