Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby Out!

Soooooo close. I've got all of the symptoms of early labor. She is just taking her sweet time to get here. I've been walking a lot to try and up the contractions. The contractions have been coming here and there since about Wednesday. Baby Out! Baby Out! I'm going to be posting a new picture shortly to show how much she has dropped.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

swollen feet

My feet are HUGE!!! I never thought it was possible for my feet to swell to this point. When I walk, I can feel the fluid sloshing around with each step. Also, my belly is massive and feels like it is completely sitting on my bladder. At 37 weeks and 1 day, I am getting impatient. So far, I have had a wonderful pregnancy. Up until 30 weeks, I was so very happy and full of energy. Whew, I am still ecstatic but man has my energy disappeared! Come on Samantha! I am ready!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who is Baby Ward??

I never made an official announcement. I don't know what she looks like, what color her hair will be, what she will feel like or sound like... All of these things are up to her own personal DNA. Sure I contributed but she will be her own person. Even though I am left here dreaming about her face, I know that her name will fit her. She is and will always be a part of me so it would make sense that I would choose the best name for her.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The countdown

The countdown has really begun now. I have 30 days left until Samantha's due date. 30 days left until my life changes forever... Now that the nursery is completed I am ready. I am ready to hold my little girl and breath her in. I am ready to count her toes and fingers, to run my fingers through her hair, to her. I keep glancing into the little nursery and squinting my eyes, imagining her laying in the crib, cooing and babbling at the mobile lights. So far away and yet so close. We will meet soon my child.