Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Month 2 for Samantha

It's picture time!!

Here is a pic of the fam. 

and here is a pic of my little beach babe.

Hello there world!!

I'm back!!

Hello Hello!! It's been over a month since my last post. The transition from maternity leave to work was very strenuous on me and Samantha. I am just now getting over the shock and exhaustion that comes with such a change. I kept thinking about my little blog and missing the fact that I haven't looked at it in what seems like an eternity. I want to start updates again so you can all follow what my little girl has been up to lately. I've got pictures galore covering months 2 and now 3. She has been such a doll (despite the inevitable nighttime fussing) and I have been enjoying her immensely.

I started working from home in the middle of May and took a much needed vacation to Emerald Isle with the fam. Samantha had a blast. She is regular beach babe! On June 7th, Samantha started daycare. We had been preparing for several weeks before, offering her bottles and coaxing her to finish them despite her distaste for them. Needless to say, she did fine. I didn't though... I left a blubbering mess and backed right into a telephone pole outside of the nursery. Oh well, at least it didn't leave to big of a mark!

For the past 4 weeks, it has been a whirlwind of activity and exhaustion. The best part of the day is when I pick her up from daycare and settle into my comfy armchair for our afternoon snuggling. She has changed so much in the past month. She coos and laughs at me every day. Her big blue eyes follow my every movement and she reaches out her arms as if to say "pick me up mom!" She is so funny during our nightly tummy time activities. She makes a deep gurgling sound and laughs at the bright colors on her mat. She can't turn over yet but she can squirm her way all over her crib. It reminds me of Curly from the 3 stooges, kicking himself into a circle on the ground. Silly girl...

I hope to keep this blog better updated in the future. Forgive my absense. It was a crazy time for us all! Pictures will be posted later!

Love Em