Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! I went with Dave to see his Grandmothers and immediate family in Kinston. Today, I put on walking shoes and pulled my hair into a ponytail so I could take on the Black Friday crowds at Crabtree. I got more shopping done than I expected. There are some great deals out there this year! I've passed the 22 week mark this week and all is well. I hope it continues that way.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

wiggle worm

I have a restless little wiggle worm in my stomach. She doesn't kick me hard but I can definitely feel it. Apparently, she likes the right side of my body. I have yet to feel any kicking on the left side. I am still constantly craving fruit and just can't drink enough juice to satisfy my needs. I am happy that my body has chosen fruit as a weakness. Can you imagine if all I wanted was cheeseburgers! Yikes! Oh, if any mommas out there have suggestions about what is a must-have registry item, let me know! The best resources out there are tried and true moms!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The glass is half full

Pronunciation: \'haf-'wā, 'häf-\
Function: adjective

- center(a): equally distant from the extremes
- at a point midway between two extremes; "at the halfway mark"
- at half the distance; at the middle; "he was halfway down the ladder when he fell"
- including only half or a portion; "halfway measures"

Yes, ladies and gentleman... I am at the halfway point. 20 weeks in, 20 weeks left!

1) Now that we know we are having a little girl, I have getting my registries updated. I picked Target and Walmart just in case. Babys R Us scares me. It is just so overwhelming!
2) I have decided that the baby must be a night owl. I don't ever feel her kicking until after 10 in the morning. Speaking of kicking, it's gettting stronger and more frequent. I haven't been able to feel them outside of my stomach yet but I am sure I will soon.
3) I have pretty much retired all pants BB (before baby) and have gone to dresses, skirts, and maternity clothing. It's been fun wearing a new wardrobe, I feel so stylish and classy at the same time.
4) The house is in disarray. We have been moving stuff from closet-to-room-to-shed-to-other room-to-trash and so on all week. I can see the start of fresh new nursery underneath all of those boxes. At least... I think I can...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We are having a girl!

It was a big day today for the Ward family. We found out we are having a girl!! I am so excited. The ultrasound room was a bit crowded today with my Husband, Mom, Dad, mother in law and Nana all in the room but it was worth it to share this special moment with them. The baby looks great and is right where a 19 week old should be. I love the picture of her saying "I'm number 1!"

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I couldn't quite figure out what to dress up as for Halloween. I knew I couldn't wear a sexy witch or nurse outfit or any of that stuff. I didn't want to go to the other extreme either and be a pumpkin or whoopie cushion. So, I stayed in the middle with a homemade "Juno" outfit. Juno is a movie from a few years ago where the star of the movie gets pregnant while in school. It's a great and heartwarming film that I highly recommend. I hope everyone had a great Halloween!