Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The glass is half full

Pronunciation: \'haf-'wā, 'häf-\
Function: adjective

- center(a): equally distant from the extremes
- at a point midway between two extremes; "at the halfway mark"
- at half the distance; at the middle; "he was halfway down the ladder when he fell"
- including only half or a portion; "halfway measures"

Yes, ladies and gentleman... I am at the halfway point. 20 weeks in, 20 weeks left!

1) Now that we know we are having a little girl, I have getting my registries updated. I picked Target and Walmart just in case. Babys R Us scares me. It is just so overwhelming!
2) I have decided that the baby must be a night owl. I don't ever feel her kicking until after 10 in the morning. Speaking of kicking, it's gettting stronger and more frequent. I haven't been able to feel them outside of my stomach yet but I am sure I will soon.
3) I have pretty much retired all pants BB (before baby) and have gone to dresses, skirts, and maternity clothing. It's been fun wearing a new wardrobe, I feel so stylish and classy at the same time.
4) The house is in disarray. We have been moving stuff from closet-to-room-to-shed-to-other room-to-trash and so on all week. I can see the start of fresh new nursery underneath all of those boxes. At least... I think I can...

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo! Halfway there! I want to feel the kicking soon! Love ya, MomSheree
