Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Deli meats are a no no

With all of the crazy lists of "do" and "do nots" it is amazing our species has been able to have any babies! The newest craze is DO NOT eat deli meat. Sigh... I love deli meat. Apparently there is a possibility there is a bacteria in deli meat and soft cheeses that can make you sick and potentially make the baby sick. I had a meeting today where we had deli meat sandwiches and I couldn't eat them. Wah!! I got to fill up on Strawberries and grapes though and that was nice. Speaking of grapes, that is the size of little ward right now, a happy little grape.

Friday, August 21, 2009

1st ultrasound

Well, here they are. The first official pictures of little sweetness. I had such an amazing experience yesterday. I was able to watch her move around and settle into a comfortable position. I saw the heart beating too. I was even able to hear the heartbeat! I was correct with my prediction, the due date is 3/31/10. It's all becoming real now!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

first ultrasound 8/20

Tomorrow will be a big day for me and Dave. We will be getting our first "picture" of the baby at the doctor's office. Yay for ultrasounds! We will also find out a more exact due date and if there is more than one little bean in there. Yikes. It will be a day to celebrate. I will let you know the details as soon as possible.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am finding it quite humourous that most websites compare the size of growing babies to the size of fruits and veggies. One week it's a garden pea, the next, a butterbean. This week, we have reached the fruit status of blueberry; delicious yummy blueberries. I bought some from the grocery store yesterday and I'm holding one now. It's amazing that this tiny little being (the size of a blueberry) will be a beautiful watermelon sized child in less than 8 months. Here's to fruits of all sizes and colors! Hip hip Hoorah!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I have been craving egg mcmuffins. I am not really a fan of fast food but I have a hard time passing by a McDonalds on the way to work now. I keep thinking about those juicy cheesy sandwiches and drool... I found out that there are machines out there that you can buy that MAKE Egg McMuffins. Wow... I would be way over the typical 25 pregnancy pounds if I had that thing!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Toys R Us

I have a secret...I stopped by Toys R Us a few days ago and checked out their baby section. The isles were full of diapers, formula, clothes, toys, etc., I looked at mobiles and carseats, bottles and walking shoes, and so on and so on. I couldn't believe how much stuff was there for infants. Does an infant need all of that stuff? Of course not! It doesn't stop wishful parents like myself from googling at all of the cute stuff though.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

getting ready for baby

I have the strangest feeling in my stomach right now. It feels like I have been stretching my ab muscles after a previous day's attempt at sit-ups. I am continuing to work out but I have definitely avoided my abs. I had such horrible cramps 2 weeks ago and now, I can tell it's making way for the watermelon belly I will have in a few months. I am not really showing yet but with signs like this, I can only assume it will be soon. I can't hide my belly for long!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Take a look at this face. This handsome boy is going to be a father. He has been so supportive and generally ecstatic about the whole baby thing. Thanks honey for being the loving husband that you are.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Just look at this sweet little socks! If you know me then you know I love funky socks. My baby will never have bare feet if I have these laying around. I wonder if they have mother and child matching sock packages out there somewhere. Hmm... I wonder...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Welcome to the Baby Ward blog!

Me and Dave are expecting our first child on March 31 2010. I am absolutely thrilled and can't wait to share my joy and excitement with you all.