Saturday, November 13, 2010

All kinds of milestones.

Miss Samantha Marie has grown SOOOOO much since my last post. She learned how to sit up, crawl and even pull up all within the past month! She has two tiny little tooth buds on the bottom of her mouth too. Every day is an adventure for her. I am one proud and happy momma. Check out the sweet little photos of Samantha from our photo shoot last week. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Where does time go?

Man, I wish I spent more time on this website. I love sharing my thoughts and pictures with friends and family. I can't believe I only managed 1 post in September. One post! It's almost ironic that I stated I would be spending MORE time on this website. Geesh... I will do what I can but it is just hard trying to manage my baby, my husband, my personal life, and my job. Plus, I just don't think people really care about this little website. I have spent so much time on it in the past, updating it with info and pictures and I rarely got any feedback. Maybe it's just time to hang up the hat on this one. Maybe I can start over with a new focus and a website that people will actually visit? Maybe... I may still post every now and then. I happened to start this website once I found out about Samantha, how can I just let it go? Well to those of you that want to see it, here are pics of the little one. She is 6 months now. She's such a doll!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Trying to crawl already?

Can you believe Samantha is already trying to crawl? She has learned how to pull up on all fours and wobble. She can't move her hands or legs yet but I know that is coming next.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Foot in mouth...

My sweet girl was successful in stuffing both hands and feet into her mouth today. Congrats you crazy little thing!

Monday, August 2, 2010

First meal!

As promised.... pics of my girlie eating her first meal!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Eating solids!

So very tired.... I am falling asleep at the computer. I have got to tell you all something quite nice. Lil Miss Sammie had her first taste of rice cereal today. She was a champ! She didn't spit out any of it and ate a few tablespoons. Congrats on this milestone Sammie! I will be posting pics sometime soon.

Friday, July 30, 2010

How very special

How very special are we, for just a moment to be, out of life's eternal line? How very special are we, to have in our family tree. Mother Earth and Father Time...

-- Charlotte (the spider)

Monday, July 19, 2010

You amaze me

Samantha, You amaze me. I have been watching you every day for four months. I was there when your little head bobbled from the weakness in your muscles. Today you hold your head up high for all to see. I was there when you sighed and had tiny grunts to express your feelings. Today you coo, laugh and smile at the sight of me. I was there when you first opened your eyes just a tiny bit to see the world. Today your big beautiful eyes light up my day. I love you so very much my dear. You are the most wonderful little creature I have ever known. Keep growing my little girl, I love watching you learn.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


She is definitely teething. Hee hee.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Teething and Sophie

Samantha has been drooling a LOT lately. When I hold her upright so she can see, she licks my hand. When I pick her up she has drool puddles around her mouth. I think this little girlfriend is starting to teethe. She seems happy go lucky right now. I guess we will have to see how she feels in the coming months. I think poor little Sophie the giraffe will finally be getting some action.
Isn't she the cutest! Sophie has been part of this household for a while now. She has appeared in a few pictures too. I look forward to seeing her being a fun little buddy for Sammie.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

3 month pics!

Rolling over and new pictures

My sweet little girl rolled over yesterday. She was on her belly and suddenly she began rocking back and forth. Her little arm got wedged under her and she was pushing with her feet. Sure enough, she was on her back a few moments later, staring up at the colorful toys on her playmat.

This event was after another fun and exciting event. Me, my mom, Samantha and Nana all went to Portrait Innovations for some pictures. I wanted to get a few shots at three months. She cooperated and we were able to get some really cute pictures.

Thanks baby girl for the great day. Now, If I could just shake this Stomach bug...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Month 2 for Samantha

It's picture time!!

Here is a pic of the fam. 

and here is a pic of my little beach babe.

Hello there world!!

I'm back!!

Hello Hello!! It's been over a month since my last post. The transition from maternity leave to work was very strenuous on me and Samantha. I am just now getting over the shock and exhaustion that comes with such a change. I kept thinking about my little blog and missing the fact that I haven't looked at it in what seems like an eternity. I want to start updates again so you can all follow what my little girl has been up to lately. I've got pictures galore covering months 2 and now 3. She has been such a doll (despite the inevitable nighttime fussing) and I have been enjoying her immensely.

I started working from home in the middle of May and took a much needed vacation to Emerald Isle with the fam. Samantha had a blast. She is regular beach babe! On June 7th, Samantha started daycare. We had been preparing for several weeks before, offering her bottles and coaxing her to finish them despite her distaste for them. Needless to say, she did fine. I didn't though... I left a blubbering mess and backed right into a telephone pole outside of the nursery. Oh well, at least it didn't leave to big of a mark!

For the past 4 weeks, it has been a whirlwind of activity and exhaustion. The best part of the day is when I pick her up from daycare and settle into my comfy armchair for our afternoon snuggling. She has changed so much in the past month. She coos and laughs at me every day. Her big blue eyes follow my every movement and she reaches out her arms as if to say "pick me up mom!" She is so funny during our nightly tummy time activities. She makes a deep gurgling sound and laughs at the bright colors on her mat. She can't turn over yet but she can squirm her way all over her crib. It reminds me of Curly from the 3 stooges, kicking himself into a circle on the ground. Silly girl...

I hope to keep this blog better updated in the future. Forgive my absense. It was a crazy time for us all! Pictures will be posted later!

Love Em

Thursday, May 20, 2010

cooing and smiling

 I had such a nice morning with Samantha. After her breakfast at 6:30, I took her back to bed with me and laid beside her. She cooed and smiled at me for at least 15 minutes today. Moments like this make all the stress of dealing with a tiny baby worth it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back to work already

Sigh... I am back at work again. Thankfully, I have the chance to work from home for the next two weeks. Today was quite a challenge. Sammie just wasn't in the mood to relax and I was really busy with work. Needless to say, I spent most of the day with a crying baby in one arm and a computer in the other. Just 2 weeks like this, I can do it!

Friday, May 7, 2010

She smiled

She smiled at me Wednesday. The right side of her mouth went up in a curled Elvis like fashion. Seconds later, the left side followed. Now, if I can only get more of those during the day instead of the little pouty lipped frowns.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baby toes and attempted smiles

This one keeps me busy! I can't believe she will be six weeks this coming Wednesday. Every day she surprises us with a new "coo" or "goo" that she didn't have the day before. There are so many things that I can talk about that would bore the average person. It's funny really, I never thought I would be kissing baby toes and marveling at attempted smiles.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

One month later...

Silly youtube. I have been having trouble uploading my file for the past couple of days. It's a shame really, I have 3 sweet videos to post. What I can post are pictures. I have taken so many pictures of lil' bit that I couldn't possibly share them all.

Yesterday was mine and Dave's 6 year wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to J Betki's in Raleigh. Mama Ree and Dpop (Dave's parents) watched Samantha for us. I was relieved to know she took a bottle without an issue. I also included a picture of me below from Friday. I can't believe how much weight I have lost since her birthday. I gained 45 pounds and now, I have 11 left to loose. Woohoo!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4 weeks!

Samantha is four weeks old today! Her cord stump has fallen off so we can finally give her a good bath. For cute  baby sweetness see the above video.

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's real...

It's finally happened... Last night, at 2:30AM, my sweet girl had her arms outstretched on my chest. She had just finished her late night snack and was making her little noises that proved she was content. I sat there in my armchair and stared at her in the dark. I knew right then and there that I loved this child with all of my heart. I didn't want to put her back in the crib so, I didn't. I sat there for as long as my arms could handle it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

3 weeks!

It has been a lovely week. After the pollen cleared out, I spent the majority of my time outdoors with the girlie. She will be 3 weeks old on Wednesday. I can't even imagine being without her now. She is such a joy! It is still tough for me to be a temporary "at home mom" but it is getting easier with each day. Here are a few pics we have taken recently. Some of the highlights of this week include...

1)  A facial, trip to Red Robin and Cary town center with Mama Ree and Samantha
2) Breakfast with Yaya, Nana, Samantha and Mama Ree
3) Lazy days at Yaya's house 
4) Dinner at my friend Julie's
5) funny movies and videos with Dave

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day to day

Being a new mother is completely different from anything I have ever known. On one end I am enamored by her on the other end, I am exhausted by her. She is so tiny and dependent on me. In a way, it's not much different than when I was pregnant. The main difference is that I can put the baby down from time to time. It's been tough for me to transition from a workaholic to a mom. It's getting easier with each day and once this pollen clears, I can't wait to make use of the many trails in this area. I am amazed at how much she changes from day to day. Just look how wide her eyes are here!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My birth story

4 days after my last post I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. I haven't had time for anything else but her for the past 2 weeks. I think I am ready to share my experience with you all.  

I started feeling some contractions at around 4:30PM on 3/23. I was working from home thankfully so I just signed off of my computer and called up Dave, hoping he was on his way home soon. For the next 3 1/2 hours labored comfortably at home with Dave timing the contractions. I took a slow walk to help speed up the process. I remember bracing myself against the trashcan because I couldn't walk through a particular tough contraction. We alerted our parents and made our way to the hospital at around 9. The contractions were about 4-6 minutes apart and lasting around 45 seconds to a full minute. We were calm and collected on the ride to the hospital. I knew this was the real thing and was ready. 
We arrived at Rex and met my mom there. I was brought into a labor room and had my vitals checked. I was only at 3-4 centimeters so I couldn't be admitted yet. Once Dave's parents arrived, Me, Dave, my mom and his parents wandered around through the hospital to increase the contractions and dilation. I munched on ice chips to keep hydrated. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together. I must say that once we arrived in the hospital, I had no sense of time. I never knew how long I waited between contractions, nurse visits or anything. I was focused on the labor and eventual birth. Once I was dilated enough to be admitted, things began to pick up. A contraction is a deep primal and painful feeling that starts in the abdomen and stretches out out as a wave across the body. It takes your breath away and gives you just enough of a break afterwards to prepare for the next one. I started to sweat, A LOT. Everyone else was freezing. I was determined to stay out of the bed for as long as I could. It was extremely uncomfortable to lay down. I sat in the rocking chair for a good amount of time, riding the contractions as they got more difficult. I chose to have a natural birth and I was beginning to doubt I could handle it. I shoved those thoughts back and mediated with my eyes closed for most of the night. The doctor had to break my water at 8 centimeters. Not long after that, the transition period began. I could feel her moving downward and getting into position. The contractions were deep and very painful at this point. I cried out with each one and braced for the next. I began to feel a undeniable need to push and I couldn't control it. I got onto the bed and got ready for the finale. 
It felt good to have a goal and pushing was my goal. My awesome nurse Helen and my three amigos Dave, Mom and my mother-in-law all helped me count. With each contraction, I pushed with everything I had. My arms, neck, back and legs all ached and throbbed with pain. It was the most intense pain and euphoria I have ever felt in my life. It was all consuming and ancient. I felt one with her. I was taking this amazing journey into a new life with my daughter. With one final heave, Samantha Marie arrived at 10AM and was immediately placed on my chest. Her eyes were wide open and for a few moments, we took each other in for the first time. She didn't cry, she looked wild and alert. The doctor gave me the scissors and I cut her cord myself. They whisked her off to be weighed and checked but thankfully, it was right by my bed. She was a hefty 9 lbs 7 ounces and 22 inches long. Her blood sugar was low so they gave her a bottle immediately and she guzzled it down like a pro. As I laid there on the bed, I felt relieved that it was over. Life was good and everyone involved was happy to be there. I am thrilled to bring my daughter into this world and am looking forward to sharing our life together. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby Out!

Soooooo close. I've got all of the symptoms of early labor. She is just taking her sweet time to get here. I've been walking a lot to try and up the contractions. The contractions have been coming here and there since about Wednesday. Baby Out! Baby Out! I'm going to be posting a new picture shortly to show how much she has dropped.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

swollen feet

My feet are HUGE!!! I never thought it was possible for my feet to swell to this point. When I walk, I can feel the fluid sloshing around with each step. Also, my belly is massive and feels like it is completely sitting on my bladder. At 37 weeks and 1 day, I am getting impatient. So far, I have had a wonderful pregnancy. Up until 30 weeks, I was so very happy and full of energy. Whew, I am still ecstatic but man has my energy disappeared! Come on Samantha! I am ready!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who is Baby Ward??

I never made an official announcement. I don't know what she looks like, what color her hair will be, what she will feel like or sound like... All of these things are up to her own personal DNA. Sure I contributed but she will be her own person. Even though I am left here dreaming about her face, I know that her name will fit her. She is and will always be a part of me so it would make sense that I would choose the best name for her.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The countdown

The countdown has really begun now. I have 30 days left until Samantha's due date. 30 days left until my life changes forever... Now that the nursery is completed I am ready. I am ready to hold my little girl and breath her in. I am ready to count her toes and fingers, to run my fingers through her hair, to her. I keep glancing into the little nursery and squinting my eyes, imagining her laying in the crib, cooing and babbling at the mobile lights. So far away and yet so close. We will meet soon my child.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The nursery is finished!!

Thanks to Nana, my mom, Dave, and myself, we were able to complete the nursery this weekend. It is so sweet and lovely. Everything came together so perfectly. I just want to sit on my comfy glider and listen to the Bach and Mozart the crib mobile plays. I absolutely adore this room and I can't wait to bring the shining star of the room home!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby shower!!

February 21st was a wonderful day for the Wards. Both grandmothers put together a baby shower for our growing family. I couldn't believe how many people were there. There was so much love and support from everyone that attended. I can't even begin to summarize all of the conversations, hugs, gifts, and good spirits that occupied my parents house. Of course, there were many MANY pictures taken and I can't attach all of them to this blog. I think my best option would be to share my Aunt Shelly's Kodak album with everyone so they can get a feel for all of the excitement. To everyone that attended, thank you all so much!!

FYI... If the link doesn't work, I will fix it later. My work computer blocks me from viewing the website. :P

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Dave and I had a wonderful dinner tonight at La Piazza. Life has been good for the two of us. We have many wonderful people in our life that have been supportive and generous to us over the past 7 months. You all know who you are! The nursery is coming together and I can't wait to see the final product.

The little one is gotten into her final position (hopefully) and manages to amuse me daily with her jabs, kicks and pushes. It is funny to look down at my belly and see a lopsided, uneven surface caused by her little bottom. Hee hee.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Profile at 31 weeks 2 days

Time for a profile pic! Today I am 31 weeks and 2 days. I can't imagine getting any bigger than I already am! Ha Ha.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's like being a movie star

People smile at me every day. Children pull on their parents legs and whisper. Grocery baggers insist on carrying my purchases to the car. Pregnancy in some way or shape, makes you feel like a movie star. I couldn't imagine living a few decades ago when you wore huge mumus and hid your belly from the public. I was reading about Lucille Ball's pregnancy and how she couldn't even mention the word pregnant on "I love Lucy." It all used to be so hush hush. I just don't see why. Pregnancy is such a beautiful event in your life. I find myself looking at smiling soon- to-be-mother photos and their round bellies.

Last night me and Dave learned some baby basics at our ongoing Lamaze class. We swaddled, rocked, fed, diapered and bathed the little dolls. Dave looked so strong and confident standing there with the little stiff facsimile in his arms. We may be new at this but we are going to be prepared!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

30 weeks!

10 weeks left! It seems like only yesterday I was rechecking the little plus sign on my pregnancy test. Me and Dave started our Lamaze classes a few weeks ago. I'm looking forward to tonight's class because we get to tour the birth center at Rex. I want to know what I will be working with when the time comes.

The third trimester has certainly slowed me down. I am doing my absolute best to keep from waddling. ha ha. My ankles have started to swell and heartburn has been hitting me on a daily basis. Doesn't pregnancy sound fun? Actually, it IS fun. I really haven't had too many complaints. It's all worth it when I can sit down, prop my feet up and feel the ever increasing movements of my little girl.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I can't stop looking at my ultrasound photo

I keep going back to the pictures of the last ultrasound. I have spent so much time starting at the little face that has formed. Even in the ultrasound, she looks so happy and content. I can't wait to hold her and take in that sweet baby smell. In 12 weeks, give or take a few, we will be meeting eye to eye for the first time. I hope I will know what to do, I hope I can handle the stress and, I hope you smell sweet. :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Third trimester

Happy New Year everyone! The past few days have been baby busy. On Saturday, Mom and Dad Ward helped Dave paint the Nursery a lovely green. Yesterday, Mom and Dad Parisher helped Dave put together the crib and dresser. Today, I went to the doctors to take a few neccesary third trimester tests. I had to drink a sweet syrupy sugar drink for my glucose test, I needed an ultrasound to check on my positioning and I needed a RH negative shot. Whew! The glucose test is to check if I have gestational diabetes which is rountine at 28 weeks. The ultrasound went very well. She is one happy bouncing baby girl in there! The technician did not forsee any issues with the baby or it's positioning. I was amazed at how detailed the pictures are. The technician was able to see some hair on her head too. The shot was not pleasant but they never are. All in all, it's been a busy but lovely week.