Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's like being a movie star

People smile at me every day. Children pull on their parents legs and whisper. Grocery baggers insist on carrying my purchases to the car. Pregnancy in some way or shape, makes you feel like a movie star. I couldn't imagine living a few decades ago when you wore huge mumus and hid your belly from the public. I was reading about Lucille Ball's pregnancy and how she couldn't even mention the word pregnant on "I love Lucy." It all used to be so hush hush. I just don't see why. Pregnancy is such a beautiful event in your life. I find myself looking at smiling soon- to-be-mother photos and their round bellies.

Last night me and Dave learned some baby basics at our ongoing Lamaze class. We swaddled, rocked, fed, diapered and bathed the little dolls. Dave looked so strong and confident standing there with the little stiff facsimile in his arms. We may be new at this but we are going to be prepared!


  1. Can't wait to see that "Big Belly" in February!

  2. Yes, by all means... maybe we could see a profile update? So proud of you both for getting prepared!
