Friday, July 30, 2010

How very special

How very special are we, for just a moment to be, out of life's eternal line? How very special are we, to have in our family tree. Mother Earth and Father Time...

-- Charlotte (the spider)

Monday, July 19, 2010

You amaze me

Samantha, You amaze me. I have been watching you every day for four months. I was there when your little head bobbled from the weakness in your muscles. Today you hold your head up high for all to see. I was there when you sighed and had tiny grunts to express your feelings. Today you coo, laugh and smile at the sight of me. I was there when you first opened your eyes just a tiny bit to see the world. Today your big beautiful eyes light up my day. I love you so very much my dear. You are the most wonderful little creature I have ever known. Keep growing my little girl, I love watching you learn.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


She is definitely teething. Hee hee.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Teething and Sophie

Samantha has been drooling a LOT lately. When I hold her upright so she can see, she licks my hand. When I pick her up she has drool puddles around her mouth. I think this little girlfriend is starting to teethe. She seems happy go lucky right now. I guess we will have to see how she feels in the coming months. I think poor little Sophie the giraffe will finally be getting some action.
Isn't she the cutest! Sophie has been part of this household for a while now. She has appeared in a few pictures too. I look forward to seeing her being a fun little buddy for Sammie.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

3 month pics!

Rolling over and new pictures

My sweet little girl rolled over yesterday. She was on her belly and suddenly she began rocking back and forth. Her little arm got wedged under her and she was pushing with her feet. Sure enough, she was on her back a few moments later, staring up at the colorful toys on her playmat.

This event was after another fun and exciting event. Me, my mom, Samantha and Nana all went to Portrait Innovations for some pictures. I wanted to get a few shots at three months. She cooperated and we were able to get some really cute pictures.

Thanks baby girl for the great day. Now, If I could just shake this Stomach bug...