Wednesday, August 19, 2009

first ultrasound 8/20

Tomorrow will be a big day for me and Dave. We will be getting our first "picture" of the baby at the doctor's office. Yay for ultrasounds! We will also find out a more exact due date and if there is more than one little bean in there. Yikes. It will be a day to celebrate. I will let you know the details as soon as possible.


  1. Em
    I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait for the details!

  2. Looking forward to the first ultrasound pics... I get queezy myself, thinking about twins+.
    xoxo Aunt Shelly

  3. Em & Dave,
    This is just so exciting, can't wait for the pictures of those earlobes. What you talking about more than one bean?! Sure hope there is only one, oh my goodness!!! Love ya, Aunt Gail
